Marine Services (Asbestos Removal)
Historically, asbestos was widely used in the shipping and marine industry and the installation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) has only been prohibited without exception within the last decade. This means many newer vessels brought to Australia from developing countries have been found to contain ACMs, including sprayed asbestos coatings, insulations and lagging.
The removal of ACMs is regarded as being of higher risk than normal – as these materials are more likely to release larger quantities of dangerous asbestos fibres – making it imperative it’s undertaken by licensed contractors.
As specialists in marine asbestos removal and tank cleaning services, the experienced PCB A&D team can formulate the efficient and safe removal of this dangerous substance, providing vital peace of mind.
24/7 Emergency Response Team
PCB A&D offers a crucial 24/7 emergency response service.
Our emergency response team is fully equipped to quickly respond to asbestos risks. Initially, our experts will conduct a ‘make safe’ by sealing the risk area to contain any further contamination. Next, our team can plan the effective removal of the asbestos, to ensure the site is permanently safe.
Dealing with an asbestos emergency?
Call PCB A&D on 0418 914 599.
Let Us Help
PCB A&D is committed to delivering leading edge and customer focussed solutions. We offer our clients an experienced team with a diverse range of skills, matched by our can-do-attitude.